Michael von Habsburg-Lothringen
Archduke of Austria


2011. June 3., Friday 6.30 PM – St. Erasmus, Bishop & Martyr (liturgy)

Franciscan Church of Pest

Entry free

Greccio Chamber Choir


2011. June 11., Saturday 6.30 PM – St. Barnabas, Apostle (liturgy)

St. Teresa of Avila Parish Church

Entry free

Corvina Consort


2011. June 15., Wednesday 6.00 PM – St. Vitus, Martyr (liturgy)

St. Stephen’s Basilica

Entry free

Corvina Consort


2011. June 19., Sunday 12 AM – Sunday of Trinity (liturgy)

Mass of The Roman Rite („Tridentine Mass”) with the CLSMA

Inner City Parish Church

Entry free

Corvina Consort


2011. June 24., Friday 6.00 PM – Nativity of St. John the Baptist (liturgy)

Inner City Parish Church

Entry free

Corvina Consort


2011. June 30., Thursday 6.00 PM – Commemoration of St Paul Apostle (liturgy)

St. Stephen’s Basilica

Entry free

Corvina Consort